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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
17 de Diciembre, 2009 · General

The art and the mode joined for a solidary action.

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Sevenplastic artists intervened in original models of Ricky Sarkany's lastcollection with the aim(lens) to auction them to benefit of the FoundationFavaloro. The auction was realized on December 2 in the Cultural CenterPeaceful and there took part of the event models, celebrities and importantbusinessmen of the country.

They wereadmired and praised the works realized by these recognized artists. Thezapatito of crystal of Carolina Antoniadis, The bucanera pop de Cynthia Cohen,The botineta with Karina's bullets The Azem, The shoe of Edgardo Giménez'sOlympus, The tree of the happiness of Rafael Gonzalez Moreno, Marta Minujín'sflying shoe and The shoe of silver " I had to dream " of DelilahPuzzovio. Each of these artists stamped on the shoe his personal stamp and his talent.

AirportsArgentina 2000 did not want to stay out of this solidary(joint) event andhis(her,your) president, Julio ErnestoGutiérrez Conte, offered for several of the works but it(he,she)demonstrated particular interest in the creations of Marta Minujín and DelilahPuzzovio.

The idea ofjoining mode and art arose immediately after an initiative of theequipment(team) of Ricky Sarkany, who wanted to generate a social message, asolidary(joint) action(share) across the brand(mark), it(he,she) is for it thatthey thought about Heart.

No doubt itwas one very special night since not only art and mode joined, but alsoit(he,she) had a charitable end(purpose) that called for great quantity ofpersonalities that added to this initiative with a marked commitment.

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