The Airports of the National System have revealed a total of
1,748,611 passengers in April, i.e. an 8.1 per cent increase compared to
the 1,617,252
passengers same month last year.
The downturn of growth -which was an average 17 percent throughout the
last two months,-was mainly due to the cancelled activities at some
airports caused by the new ash cloud from the Iceland Eyjafjallajokull
The above has had an impact mainly at Ezeiza Airport, where the
610,384 passengers have decreased by 12.1 per cent compared to the
694,349 recorded in April 2009. The decrease in the case of Ezeiza
Airport was also due to Jorge Newbery Metropolitan Airport
regionalization; 640,379 users confirmed the 36.4 percent increase
compared to the 469,368 during the same inter annual period of time.
In Córdoba, the 110,093 passengers revealed a 15.3 per cent increase
over the 95,463 total of last year.
In Mendoza, the figures were also positive recording a 14.5 per cent
increase when comparing the 76,698 number of passengers in April this
year with the 66,956 same month last year.
In the province of Salta, the increase was a 22 per cent up when
comparing the 49,881 of the fourth month of this current year with the
40,899 of the referent period of time.
In San Fernando, where there are no commercial flights but general
aviation flights, the increase has been considerable since it reached a
49 per cent up – 2361 passengers against 1585 in April 2009.
Shipment has also showed an excellent result. With 19,268 tons, the
records exceeded by 49 percent the 12, l928 tons in April last year.
Meanwhile, in the city of Bariloche, the traffic of passengers having
used the air stations managed by AA2000 an Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte has also increased.
Recent internationalization of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Airport
regarding the Province of Rio Negro is a benefit for foreign passengers
travelling to Bariloche, amongst other touristic centers.
The above decision taken makes it easier to connect border country
tourists interested in visiting many locations in Argentina and which
include the Patagonian zone -San Carlos de Bariloche amongst them- to a
great extent.