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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
11 de Marzo, 2010 · General

La Ensenada Boca Juniors Polo Team Obtained an Important Victory in Palermo Polo Fields

The organizers of the second part of the V Argentina Polo Tour Patio Bullrich, created in 2006 by Gonzalo Pieres and Adolfo Cambiaso (Jr.), have decided to split into two the third and last day of the qualifying matches of the competition.

Yesterday, in field No. 2 of the Palermo Polo “Cathedral” -B zone of the tournament- La Ensenada Boca Juniors Polo Team obtained an important victory over Anaconda La Tapera, winning 14 to 13. The winner team was made up by Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte, Fernando Pigni, Juan Chavanne and Facundo Castganola, whilst their rivals were Anne Marie Van Cils, Pablo Llorente, Martín Aguerre and Ignacio Taberna.

The match performance has been even for both teams; the eight polo players played very hard and this made the match a very interesting show. The victory obtained has left La Ensenada Boca Juniors Polo Team in a very good position for the finals to be played next weekend.

Later, C. Golden Zebra played against J. C. Valartis Bank Polo Team, A zone.

Meanwhile, at the Alfredo Lalor facilities that the APA has in Pilar district, the rest of the matches will be played at 11.00 and the finalists of the tournament will be then determined. In A Zone, the undefeated T. L. La Ginevra team will play against La Picaza; and C. Cabreuva –a team who has no defeat at this tournament- will challenge C. Tom Tailor, B Zone.
Nespresso and Polo Show Cups are disputed in this tournament, and the eight teams participating have scored 15 and 16 handicap goals and are grouped in two zones playing on the American style. The Finals will be played in Palermo neighborhood on Saturday, the 13th March.

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