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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
17 de Diciembre, 2009 · General

Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte and the economic vision of the company for 2010

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In thespecial edition of the diary The Commercial Chronicler named, The Vision of theLeaders for 2010, the modals of the private national sector were consulted withregard to the economic, financial and labour scene in the national andinternational plane.

More than300 leaders of the principal companies of the country anticipate(advance) his businessplans for the next year and project the scene(stage) in which hiscompanies willmove.

Theparticipants of this edition answered three key questions, later Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte, president ofAirports Argentina 2000, offered hislook and vision:

1-which arethe expectations of his(her,your) company for the year 2010?

Very good.We wait for an increase in the passengers' quantity including a recovery withregard to the happened in the current year for the economic crisisinternational financier added to the Flu To, that affected the passengers'traffic of a considerable way. As for the projected investments, we reveal thatthe works began in Ezeiza's International Airport that 300 will totalizeapproximately millions of dollars and his(her,your) ending is estimated in thetotal space of 3 years. In addition, works carry out in the set of other 32airports to expire with the commitment of modernization and improvementsassumed in the contract of grant.

2-which arethe principal obstacles that his(her,your) company should have faced this yearand as wait that ends 2009?

Theprincipal obstacles owed to the international crisis that, promoted with theflu To, made diminish considerably the passengers' quantity and the increase ofthe costs for passenger.

3-whatpublic policies might they help to give him(her) impulse to his(her,your)sector?

Policiesthat have meddling in the promotion of the national and international tourism.

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