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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
15 de Enero, 2010 · General

Charity Polo: Boca Juniors Polo Team’s success in Punta del Este.

The second official presentation of the Boca Juniors Polo Teamoccurred last Wednesday, January 6, in Punta del Este Polo Club withinthe framework of the “Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 Cup – Summer ‘10”.

At 5 PM, the team led by the best player in the world, Adolfo Cambiaso (Jr.), and made by the President AA2000, Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte, Fernando Pigni and, alternatively Ezequiel Barrenechea and Juan De Dios Cincunegui, played with Punta del Este Polo Club team. The latter was made by Martín Garrahan, Juan Curbello (Jr.), Juan Cruz Adrogué, and Coque Calleja.

Loyal to the goal that led to the creation of the Boca Juniors PoloTeam and to the determination behind each of its presentations, – bothin the country and overseas – the game has fully organized in aid ofIDAAL San Carlos (Instituto de Ayuda al Lisiado), an Institute to Helpthe Crippled. This non-profit organization provides therapy assistanceto adults affected by motor and intellectual disabilities and operatesin the District of Maldonado, Uruguay.

After the definition of the game in four chukkers, the Boca Juniors Polo Team won AA2000 Cup – Summer ’10 after winning 4 to 1.

However, the most important part of the event was the award of acheck for USD $5,000, which was donated by Aeropuertos Argentina 2000,to the charity chosen for the occasion. Such honor was entrusted to Lic. Jorge Lukowski, the company’s Manager of Institutional Relations.

To close a polo event featured by the best level worldwide, the 2ºMasterCard Challenge Cup was held at 6 PM. Yet, this time the game wasbetween the combined teams from Argentina and Brazil. Therepresentatives from Argentina were Pablo Jaureche (8), Tomás Pieres(7), Tomás Cavanagh (7), and Martín Aguerre (5).
On the other hand, the individuals in charge of representing Brazilwere Jorge Diniz Junqueira (7), Aluisio Vilella Rosa (7), Ubajara Alvesde Andrade (7), and Renato Diniz Junqueira (5).
The South American classic ended in a draw. Quite balanced in terms ofquality, both teams scored 5 and that was the end of the game.

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