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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
02 de Octubre, 2009 · General

Charitable Day of the Ham Polo Club in London.

President of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte, saidthat the international crisis had a "low impact" in Argentina, butwarned that required "corrections" to generate a business climate. "Weneed a general discussion of governance model," he said. President ofAeropuertos Argentina 2000, Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte, said thismorning's debate between the ruling and opposition "in a framework ofreasonableness, that sense that so many Argentines want to be a primarybasis to take off in Argentina." He said that since the business world"is a yearning for all" without neglecting the situation but thinkingabout a future Argentina. "You have to give predictability to ourcountry from common objectives in Argentina unfortunately lacks thecommon goal of everyone," remarked. Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte made theremarks in the context of the conference on "Economic Outlook andPolicies" of the Council of the Americas. He claimed to reach "notgreat goals, but some points of convergence that may cause the countryto be predictable and give you a framework for the future differentfrom what we want day to day depending on what happens". On theinternational crisis: "Earlier this year we were expecting a big wavethat left us upside down and luckily it did not happen, now Argentinahas a solid foundation to kick and go forward," he said. In thiscontext, Gutiérrez Conte stressed the lack of convergence but said"luckily today is occurring in the context of this meeting, variouspolitical forces are in an almost unprecedented, but it must be a sortof habit to forward ". It also warned of sectoral conflicts and that"every issue is not resolved, obviously distort the field andencouragement" and "these are issues to resolve from the depths, themodel of country we want." "We have to see the country we want toproject and the subject of a spectrum field is only important but notprimary," he added. Also stressed that it is possible to overcome thesectoral conflicts but raised the need to discuss the model for this is"the one with the Government, is a model that is not disputed, themissing give that general discussion in which the company may be ordisagree. "But the models as they are all one thing together, isprecisely that conjuncional analysis of what they have to be running acountry and a future perspective towards what you have to discuss," headded. And he reiterated: "In a setting like today, which is generatedis essentially a discussion of model proposed by the ruling country andanother opposition and if we are able to discuss among all modelregardless of who it has Indeed, radical or Peronist, if we take thegood and correct forward, we are in a good way. "
Finally,Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte said: "Discussions are partial and sectorialthat Argentina did not do well, seek an alternative where there is ageneral convergence that is where the welfare of the whole community."
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