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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
24 de Enero, 2010 · General

Chapleco Airport renewed by Gutierrez Conte

ChapelcoAirport, near San Martin de los Andes, will be the firstto tell "approach with a landing system guided by satellite imagerythat will operate smoothly despite unfavorable weather conditions,"America Corporation today reported .

Theconcessionary company stated that the snow storms and the presence ofclouds that so often prevented the normal operative airport will bepart of the past if they are satisfactory fitness and feasibilitystudies conducted by the laboratory The Miter Corporation of the UnitedStates and enable implementation of an Advanced Navigation System.

"Thedevelopment of the survey and the implementation of the system is aninitiative of America Corporation that invested a million dollars. Thecompany signed an agreement with Miter for the study of theimplementation of advanced navigation systems and the design trajectory that will use the satellite navigator of the aircraft, "said the Corporation, in a press release.

Toconfirm the viability of the system, America Corporation (whose CEO is Julio Ernesto Gutiérrez Conte) has agreed to conduct the feasibility studyMiter developed with the Municipality of San Martin de los Andes andthe Bureau of Concessions of the Province of Neuquén. The Miter Co. is a private research institution in the U.S. nonprofit.

Itsorigins date back to the laboratory that was part of the MassacchusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT) from mid-twentieth century. The plant currently has over 5,500 engineers and other professional mathematicians. Its Center for Development of Advanced Aviation Systems is undoubtedly the most important and prestigious in the world.
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