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Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte
Blog de lolamora02
17 de Mayo, 2010 · General

Job Training Scheme for Teenagers

Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 has announced that together with Pescar Foundation they had put in place a job training scheme specialized in airport and social subjects for teenagers being on the last high school year at public schools in Ezeiza District within the province of Buenos Aires.

Julio Ernesto Gutierrez Conte, President of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, highlighted the importance of this sort of projects. He said that ““This is a unique opportunity for teens to get to know airport related activities and roles. Girls and boys will not only be trained personal and professionally but they will receive a training at the end of the course that will make them have a significant advantage over others when looking for a job”

Later the President of AA 2000 added that, “This first experience is a big challenge and opens the possibility that we can replicate this job training scheme in other communities our company is inserted in”
A group of 20 pupils from high schools No 201, 202, 203 and 204 located at Ezeiza, Tristán Suarez and Spegazzini districts started this last Monday a comprehensive and technical 9-month training course which will give them a “real vision of the job world, plus other values such as unity, team-spirit and commitment”, Jorge Lukowski commented; he’s the Company’s institutional Relations Director.

The organizations have pointed out that when selecting the group for Pescar-AA2000-TCA, “the attitude and aptitude for learning and taking advantage of opportunities” have been valued and also they said that 165 girls and boys have turn up at the pre selection interviews. Psychology, psychiatry, sociology and education professionals have worked in the drafting of schemes; all of them being specialists in teens-at-risk related activities. Through a communiqué, it has been guaranteed that AA2000 “will pick up pupils at their schools and take them to ICAI, will give them lunch, provide clothes and cover training costs”.

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